C4 Stan 50


Stanozolol Suspension
Stanozolol 50mg


Name: Stan 50
Manufacturer: c4 Pharmaceuticals
Contains: Stanozolol 50mg

What is Stan 50?
Looking for an admirable old steroid that contains the renowned hormone named stanozolol! You will be thrilled to know that you perpetual wait is over since C4 pharmaceuticals has come up with an outstanding version of c4 stan 50. Needless to say, this steroid has been very prevalent among the bodybuilders across the border in view of the fact that it has proved its enormous impact for muscle cutting and Fat burning simultaneously. However, this product is generally known as Winstrol tablets which are nothing but synthetic anabolic steroid tablets having prevailing androgenic action. Consequently, it has proved standout in the development of men’s sexual character.

Different usage and benefits:
Well, in fact, stanozolol is exploited in order to treat patients suffering from cachexia. This type of steroid, being very brawny in nature, is merely a bonus while treating any kind of serious injuries and burns. Henceforth, doctors never restrain themselves making use of it before and after a specific surgical operation.

A complete blessing for the body builders
As this type of steroid contains very low androgenic properties in conjunction with very high anabolic properties C4 Stan 50 does not aromatize. As expected this has been greatly beneficial for all the bodybuilders especially during the period of muscle cuttings. Instantaneous benefits include mentionable gaining strength muscle tone and vascularity. You can certainly feel more intense muscle pump while spending hours in the gym.

Recommended dosage
If you are a male bodybuilder then you can take a restrained range of 25 to 100 mg per day though the first time users are recommended to intake not more than 50 mg per day. And if you are a female bodybuilder then this product would offer you an amazing result if you can restrict yourself using 5 to 15 MG per day.