Oxy/Anadrol 50mg Biogen Pharmaceuticals


Biogen Pharmaceuticals
Anadrol/Oxy(Oxymetholone) 50mg
Oxymetholone 50mg
60 x 50mg Tablets

Delivery to UK and EU – 24 Hours
Delivery to Rest Of World 5-10 days


ANADROL 50mg x 60 tablets.

♦ Chemical Name ♦

♦ About ♦
Powerful DHT based anabolic steroid, Anadrol can rapidly increase size and 10-15kg of growth is not uncommon in 4-8 weeks of use. Excellent compound as a kick start to your cycle to rapidly increase strength. Favorite among power lifters and bodybuilders alike. Pound for pound one of the best strength gain compounds available. stacks well with testosterone and deca for classic bulking cycles.

♦ Active Life ♦
16 hours.

♦ Detection Time ♦
After a period of 2 months, all traces of Anadrol will be out of your system for purposes of drug testing – urine/blood samples.

♦ Average Dose ♦
50-150mg per day.

♦  Goes well with ♦
Ideal as a kick start to a cycle and should not be relied upon solely. Massive mass/strength gains which should then be continued with any Androgenic / Anabolic injectable. Ideal for a bulking cycle or pre competition when lean.

♦ Expected weight / muscle gain ♦
10-15kg weight gain is possible in 4-8 weeks. Weight gain after 10 days will be noticeable. Immediate strength increase from day 3/4.

♦ How fast to notice changes ♦
Increased pumps will be felt immediately. By day 5 strength gains should be noticeable and weight should be up.

♦ Side effects ♦
Relatively toxic to liver, should not be run for long extended periods of time. Headaches could be experienced as well as bloating and elevated blood pressure.